Teasing "Femme & Pouvoir TV"
Juil 2022
Femme & Pouvoir TV est un média conçu et dirigé par Carole Da Silva Femme & Pouvoir TV, est le premier média numérique …
Interview d'Ariane de Rothschild
Juil 2022
Femme et pouvoir Une émission conçue et animée par Carole Da SIlva Ariane de Rothschild est PDG du groupe Edmond de …
Jumbo Queen
2hr : 12mins
Fév 2019
Jumbo also known as Jumbo the Elephant and Jumbo the Circus Elephant, was a 19th-century male African bush elephant born in Sudan. Jumbo was exported to Jardin des Plantes, a zoo in Paris, and then transferred in 1865 to London Zoo in England. Despite public protest, Jumbo was sold to P. T. Barnum, who took him to the United States for exhibition in March 1882.